Thank you for using the WordPress plugin Plugin Load Filter.
If you like Plugin Load Filter, please help us continue to develop and support this plugin by purchasing this Addon!.
Plugin Load Filter Addon
This Addon implements plugins filter, mainly using URL pattern matching, to support WooCommerce, which has been difficult to support with the basic features of Plugin Load Filter.
Of course, even if you don’t use WooCommerce, you can use the powerful filtering feature by URL pattern matching, which allows you to filter by Admin dashboard and Taxonomy.
- Filtering by pattern matching of requested URL
- Filtering of taxonomy (categories, tags, etc.) by term
- Filtering of Ajax requests by action
These three features provide powerful plugins filtering
For example, it is possible to filter plugins for login page, AMP page, Admin dashboard, REST API(wp-json), Ajax(admin-ajax/wc-ajax) and other requests.
You can also import/export the URL filter configuration data. We provide URL filter data for WooCommerce as a sample.
If you are using WooCommerce plugin, you can easily improve the performance of your WooCommerce related pages by customizing it based on WooCommerce URL filter data in this sample.
You need to have the Plugin Load Filter version 4.0 or higher enabled for Addon to work.
Buy and Download

Addon that extends the functionality of WordPress plugin "Plugin Load Filter".
How to purchase
- When you click the Pay Now , a dialog will appear where you can enter your email address and credit card information.
- After entering your credit card (Visa/Mastercard/American Express) information, click on the Payment button and your payment will be processed.
- After the payment is completed, you will be directed to the checkout screen and a download link will appear.
- You will receive a download password that is valid for one year at the email address you entered, so keep it in a safe place!
- Due to the nature of digital products, we do not accept cancellations/refunds/returns after purchase. Thank you for your understanding.
- Payments are processed by Stripe and no credit card information is stored on our site.
Send your purchase information to your email address. Please use the same email address you usually use.
For one year after purchase, you can download and update the latest version below.
Plugin Load Filter Addon Version 1.0.4
When you click on the download button, a password entry page will appear, so please enter the password that was sent to you in the email you received when you purchased and download it.
When you enter your password, the download will start automatically.
You can install the downloaded zip file by uploading the plugin on Plugins page – Add New.
Once installed, you can use it by activating it in All plugins page.
Required Environment
- WordPress 5.3 or higher
- PHP version 7.2 or higher
- Plugin Load Filter 4.0 or higher
When the Addon is activated, URL Filte Registration settings page will be added to the Plugin Load Filter.
Setting it from the menu Plugin Load Filter – URL Filter Registration that has been added to the admin dashboard.
When you open the settings page, you’ll see the filters you’ve already configured by default.

Filter Registration/Editing
The lower part of the screen shows the screen for registering and editing filter data.

Group | Sets the group name of the filter (slug). Activate/deactivate plugins is done for a group. |
Slug | A slug name specific to the URL filter data. |
Summary | Enter a summary of this URL filter data. |
Target | Specify the type of device or request URL that the URL filter will target. Device : Desktop / Mobile Request : non-singular / singular / ajax * Post Type and taxonomy matching can be added for singular request type * Action name matching can be added for Ajax request type |
Request URL pattern match | Parse the URL and check if the URL PATH element and query parameter elements match the settings. * Query parameters are judged by AND or NOT logic |
About Target’s Request Type
We handle request URL of three different types
- Requests for singulars such as Post and Page.
- Ajax requests such as admin-ajax and wc-ajax
- Other non-singular Requests
Additional judgment can be optionally added for some request types.
Singular type
For this type of request, you can set the judgment for Post Type and Taxonomy.
For example, if Post is specified as Post Type, it will check if the page with the requested URL is Post.
Similarly, if a taxonomy is specified, check to see if the page is set to the specified taxonomy term.
Ajax type
For this type of request, you can specify an ajax action.
To find out the Ajax actions, you have to look into the target program code, which is difficult, but the easiest way is to check the access log.
For example, you can also use the log feature of YASAKANI Cache to find out what actions are being used.
About PATH and Query in Request URL
PPattern matching of the requested URLs is judged on Path element and Query parameter element separately.

In this example, Path would be ‘/blog/icon-box-test’ part, and Query would be ‘amp=1’ part after the ?.
About the characters that can be used
To simplify the pattern matching setup, we have limited the characters that can be used to the following.
alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), slash (/), dot(.), percent sign(%) and Wildcards: any string (*)
Pattern matching programs use regular expressions. To do so, add this arbitrary string *
to .+?
metacharacter. In the regular expression of Path (/?)keyword(/?$)
and Query (^|&)keyword(=|&|$)
regexp, automatically running with matching metacharacters before and after.
Flexible patterns can be specified using an asterisk ( * ) representing an arbitrary string, known as a wildcard.
About AND / NOT logic
Many request URLs can be determined either by PATH alone or by the AND logic of PATH and Query, but there are some requests that cannot be distinguished by that alone.
For example, these are the URLs for All Posts and All Pages on Admin dashboard.
- All Posts : /wp-admin/edit.php
- All Pages : /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=page
Both requests are for wp-admin/edit.php, but regardless of the order in which they are judged, a ‘NOT’ logic is needed to distinguish between them.
It can be determined by specifying ‘post_type’ in NOT logic of Query Parameter of All Posts.
Filter Activation/Deactivation
The filter is not yet functional if you just registered it. You have to activate it to make it work.
You can activate or deactivate the filter from Bulk Action operation or from the slug link.
What you need to do here is to register/edit and activate/deactivate/delete filters.
For each group of slugs you have enabled here, you need to activate or deactivate the plugin in Plugin Load Filter Settings on a separate page.
URL group filter
Filters activated in URL Filter Registration will be listed in URL Group Filter in Plugin Load Filter Setting.

Specify which plugins you want to activate or deactivate for each group and save your settings.
Once you have activated the filter, we recommend that you use Test function at the top of the screen to test whether URL request is accepted as expected.
Enter Request URL and click Test button to see the results of simulated URL filter pattern matching.
The example below shows a match to amp_q filter.

If the result is not as expected, please review and modify the filter setting data.
Check the filtered results
Not only do you need to do a simulation test, but you can also access the page to check the results. You can check the filtering results from Admin-bar when you are logged in.
View the page while logged-in and check the filtered results from the link in Admin-bar.

Click on PLF portion of Admin-bar to see the filtered results for that page.

After setting up, please make sure it is working as you intended.
Also check if you have added, updated, or deleted any plugins.
Filter Priority
Settings for each single page > URL group Filter > Page Type Filter (Admin) > Page Type Filter (Page)
URL group filter sorts the slugs by group and processes them in A-Za-z order, so the combination of group and slug name determines the priority of the judgment order.
However, if Single page filter setting is used, it takes priority over URL group filter.
Sample filter data for WooCommerce
The popular WooCommerce plugin tended to be slow to respond when used with larger plugin.
We’ve had a lot of requests to filter plugins by pages that need and don’t need WooCommerce plugins, but Plugin Load Filter has been difficult to handle.
The URL filters implemented in Addon make it possible to support WooCommerce filtering as well.
We provide sample data for WooCommerce filtering, as it is necessary to support various URLs in WooCommerce, so if you are a WooCommerce user, you can download the WooCommerce filtering data file ( plf_wc_filter. zip) and import the unzipped plf_wc_filter.json file.
WooCommerce Sample Filter Data
When you click the download button, a password entry page will be displayed, so please enter the password (plf-woo) and download.
Once you enter your password, the download will begin automatically.
This is what it will look like when you import.

The sample defines 7 filters WC-admin on the admin dashboard page, 6 filters WC-Page on the front page, and 5 filters for wc-ajax, wc rest api, wc api, and wc auth.
Please make sure to customize your site to fit and check that it works properly.
The author is not responsible for any damage caused by the use of this software, so please use it at your own risk.
change : Call to load_plugin_textdomain to init hook.
Ver 1.0.2
PHP8.1 tested and Fixed PHP Notice
Ver 1.0.1
change : JSON File read method (file_get_contents -> SplFileObject fread)
Ver 1.0.0
First release
Thank you for using the Plugin Load Filter Addon!
It may be a bit of a hassle to set up, but if you can get it right, you can reduce plugin loading and speed up the page display, so please give it a try!
If you have any questions, please contact us by email with the transaction ID at the time of purchase.