WordPress のプラグインやテーマの開発用に便利な Vagrant の vccw という仮想イメージが公開されているのでそれを使ってみます
Vagrantって何? と言う方は先ずは前回の記事をお読み下さい
Vagrant 仮想マシン入門 Getting Started をやってみる
既に Vagrant を使える環境は構築してあります
- Windows7(64bit)
- VirtualBox Ver5.0.10
- Vagrant Ver1.7.4
- Git for Windows Ver 2.6.3
VCCW の構成や使い方は下記サイトで紹介されています
VCCW – A WordPress development environment.
今回は GitHub /vccw に公開されているプロジェクトを git clone して構築します
適当なフォルダを作成(今回は c:\HashCorp\Project)して、そこでターミナル(Bash)を開き
git clone https://github.com/vccw-team/vccw.git と入力します
Projectフォルダー下に vccw フォルダーが作成され、vccw のプロジェクトが複製されます
後は、vagrant up すれば良いはずだったのですが、ここからが悪戦苦闘の始まりでした (^_^;)
vagrant up
起動する前に、デフォルトの設定が英語になっているのを日本語に切り替えたいと思い Provision/default.yml を vagrantfile のあるフォルダーへコピーして、名前を site.yml に変更し、言語を lang:ja 変更しました
ここで、vccw のネットワーク設定が private_network で に設定しているのが原因と思い、前回 precise32 で指定していた fowarded_port でポート番号を 5555 に変えてみる
すると先ほどのエラーは、回避できたが ssh で接続タイムアウト発生
ググると config.ssh.timeout を60秒にすると良いという記事を見つけやってみるも Vagrantの古いバージョン用で現在はなくなった模様
それではと思ったら画面に config.vm.boot_timeout と表示されてました。これが現バージョンのタイムアウト値なのかということで 600秒にしてみたが状況変わらず (>_<)
こんな記事を見つける Vagrant 1.7+でSSH接続エラーが出た場合の対処法
どうやら Vagrant1.7 から ssh のキーの扱いが変わったらしい(よく理解していない (^_^;))
とりあえず config.ssh.insert_key = false 設定してみるも効果なし…
VirtualBox 4.3 と Vagrant 1.6.3 へバージョンダウンしてみたが、また別のエラー発生
もしかして今日は仏滅? どんどん深みにはまっていきそうな予感
windows7 だとダメなのかもと疑心暗鬼になりながら今日は断念 (T_T)
じぇじぇ 起動します
それではってことで、ネットワークをプライベートの に戻して、windowsの c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts ファイルに下記を追加して保存 vccw.dev
希望が出てきたので、VirtualBox 5.0.10 と Vagrant 1.7.4 で再挑戦を誓う ( ー`дー´)キリッ
これで今日もぐっすり眠れそうです (^^)
そういえば自宅は AMD で会社のは Intel という違いがあるなと思いながら、VAIO の仮想化支援機能(VT)を確認してなかったなーと思い見てみる
起動時の VAIO が表示されたタイミングで F2 連打
BIOSの設定を見ると Disable (^_^;)
だって、この前 Vagrant の Getting Started で既に仮想マシンの動作を確認してたのに…
気を取り直して VT を Enable にして再挑戦
hosts ファイルに vccw.dev を追加して
vagrant up
お願いしまーす m(_ _)m
リトライが続いたのでダメかと思いきや、キタ~ (^^)
画像だと大きすぎるのでテキストで vagrant up 時表示を貼り付けておきます
eno_y@celtis-VAIO MINGW64 /c/HashiCorp/Project $ git clone https://github.com/vccw-team/vccw.git Cloning into 'vccw'... remote: Counting objects: 2720, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done. Rreceiving emotoe: Total 2720 b(delta 1),ject rs: 98% (2666/2720)euse,d 0 172. reused 2714 Receiving objects: 100% (2720/2720), 726.76 KiB | 264.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (1044/1044), done. Checking connectivity... done. Checking out files: 100% (337/337), done. eno_y@celtis-VAIO MINGW64 /c/HashiCorp/Project $ cd vccw eno_y@celtis-VAIO MINGW64 /c/HashiCorp/Project/vccw (master) $ ls Gemfile LICENSE Rakefile spec/ Gemfile.lock provision/ README.md Vagrantfile eno_y@celtis-VAIO MINGW64 /c/HashiCorp/Project/vccw (master) $ vagrant up Bringing machine 'vccw.dev' up with 'virtualbox' provider... ==> vccw.dev: Box 'miya0001/vccw' could not be found. Attempting to find and install... vccw.dev: Box Provider: virtualbox vccw.dev: Box Version: >= 0 ==> vccw.dev: Loading metadata for box 'miya0001/vccw' vccw.dev: URL: https://atlas.hashicorp.com/miya0001/vccw ==> vccw.dev: Adding box 'miya0001/vccw' (v2.14.0) for provider: virtualbox vccw.dev: Downloading: https://atlas.hashicorp.com/miya0001/boxes/vccw/versions/2.14.0/providers/virtualbox.box vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: Successfully added box 'miya0001/vccw' (v2.14.0) for 'virtualbox'! ==> vccw.dev: Importing base box 'miya0001/vccw'... ==> vccw.dev: Matching MAC address for NAT networking... ==> vccw.dev: Checking if box 'miya0001/vccw' is up to date... ==> vccw.dev: Setting the name of the VM: vccw.dev ==> vccw.dev: Clearing any previously set network interfaces... ==> vccw.dev: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration... vccw.dev: Adapter 1: nat vccw.dev: Adapter 2: hostonly ==> vccw.dev: Forwarding ports... vccw.dev: 22 => 2222 (adapter 1) ==> vccw.dev: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations... ==> vccw.dev: Booting VM... ==> vccw.dev: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes... vccw.dev: SSH address: vccw.dev: SSH username: vagrant vccw.dev: SSH auth method: private key vccw.dev: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying... vccw.dev: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying... vccw.dev: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying... vccw.dev: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying... vccw.dev: vccw.dev: Vagrant insecure key detected. Vagrant will automatically replace vccw.dev: this with a newly generated keypair for better security. vccw.dev: vccw.dev: Inserting generated public key within guest... vccw.dev: Removing insecure key from the guest if it's present... vccw.dev: Key inserted! Disconnecting and reconnecting using new SSH key... ==> vccw.dev: Machine booted and ready! ==> vccw.dev: Checking for guest additions in VM... ==> vccw.dev: Setting hostname... ==> vccw.dev: Configuring and enabling network interfaces... ==> vccw.dev: Mounting shared folders... vccw.dev: /vagrant => C:/HashiCorp/Project/vccw vccw.dev: /var/www/wordpress => C:/HashiCorp/Project/vccw/www/wordpress vccw.dev: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks => C:/HashiCorp/Project/vccw/provision/cookbooks vccw.dev: /tmp/vagrant-chef/18e6968e7403367883c13fdf73b55d77/cookbooks => C:/HashiCorp/Project/vccw/provision/site-cookbooks ==> vccw.dev: Running provisioner: chef_solo... ==> vccw.dev: Detected Chef (latest) is already installed Generating chef JSON and uploading... ==> vccw.dev: Running chef-solo... ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:52+00:00] INFO: Forking chef instance to converge... ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:52+00:00] WARN: ==> vccw.dev: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ==> vccw.dev: SSL validation of HTTPS requests is disabled. HTTPS connections are still ==> vccw.dev: encrypted, but chef is not able to detect forged replies or man in the middle ==> vccw.dev: attacks. ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: To fix this issue add an entry like this to your configuration file: ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: ``` ==> vccw.dev: # Verify all HTTPS connections (recommended) ==> vccw.dev: ssl_verify_mode :verify_peer ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: # OR, Verify only connections to chef-server ==> vccw.dev: verify_api_cert true ==> vccw.dev: ``` ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: To check your SSL configuration, or troubleshoot errors, you can use the ==> vccw.dev: `knife ssl check` command like so: ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: ``` ==> vccw.dev: knife ssl check -c /tmp/vagrant-chef/solo.rb ==> vccw.dev: ``` ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ==> vccw.dev: Starting Chef Client, version 11.16.4 ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:52+00:00] INFO: *** Chef 11.16.4 *** ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:52+00:00] INFO: Chef-client pid: 28885 ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:55+00:00] INFO: Setting the run_list to ["recipe[wpcli]", "recipe[wpcli::install]", "recipe[vccw]"] from CLI options ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:55+00:00] INFO: Run List is [recipe[wpcli], recipe[wpcli::install], recipe[vccw]] ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:55+00:00] INFO: Run List expands to [wpcli, wpcli::install, vccw] ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:55+00:00] INFO: Starting Chef Run for vccw.dev ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:55+00:00] INFO: Running start handlers ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:55+00:00] INFO: Start handlers complete. ==> vccw.dev: Compiling Cookbooks... ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:57+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for package[perl] from prior resource (CHEF-3694) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:57+00:00] WARN: Previous package[perl]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/18e6968e7403367883c13fdf73b55d77/cookbooks/wpcli/recipes/default.rb:12:in `block in from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:57+00:00] WARN: Current package[perl]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/apache2/recipes/default.rb:51:in `from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:57+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for service[apache2] from prior resource (CHEF-3694) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:57+00:00] WARN: Previous service[apache2]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/apache2/recipes/default.rb:24:in `from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:57+00:00] WARN: Current service[apache2]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/apache2/recipes/default.rb:221:in `from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:58+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for file[/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf] from prior resource (CHEF-3694) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:58+00:00] WARN: Previous file[/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/apache2/recipes/default.rb:84:in `block in from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:58+00:00] WARN: Current file[/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/apache2/recipes/mod_ssl.rb:31:in `from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:58+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for template[/etc/httpd/ports.conf] from prior resource (CHEF-3694) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:58+00:00] WARN: Previous template[/etc/httpd/ports.conf]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/apache2/recipes/default.rb:195:in `from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:58+00:00] WARN: Current template[/etc/httpd/ports.conf]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/apache2/recipes/mod_ssl.rb:37:in `from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:58+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for directory[/var/lib/mysql] from prior resource (CHEF-3694) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:58+00:00] WARN: Previous directory[/var/lib/mysql]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/mysql/recipes/server.rb:108:in `block in from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:58+00:00] WARN: Current directory[/var/lib/mysql]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/mysql/recipes/server.rb:108:in `block in from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:58+00:00] INFO: Could not find previously defined grants.sql resource ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:58+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for service[mysql] from prior resource (CHEF-3694) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:58+00:00] WARN: Previous service[mysql]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/mysql/recipes/server.rb:154:in `from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:45:58+00:00] WARN: Current service[mysql]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/mysql/recipes/server.rb:218:in `from_file' ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: build-essential::rhel ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[autoconf] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[bison] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[flex] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:31+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for package[gcc] from prior resource (CHEF-3694) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:31+00:00] WARN: Previous package[gcc]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/18e6968e7403367883c13fdf73b55d77/cookbooks/wpcli/recipes/default.rb:12:in `block in from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:31+00:00] WARN: Current package[gcc]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/build-essential/recipes/rhel.rb:38:in `block in from_file' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[gcc] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[gcc-c++] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:31+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for package[kernel-devel] from prior resource (CHEF-3694) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:31+00:00] WARN: Previous package[kernel-devel]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/18e6968e7403367883c13fdf73b55d77/cookbooks/wpcli/recipes/default.rb:12:in `block in from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:31+00:00] WARN: Current package[kernel-devel]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/build-essential/recipes/rhel.rb:38:in `block in from_file' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[kernel-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:31+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for package[make] from prior resource (CHEF-3694) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:31+00:00] WARN: Previous package[make]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/18e6968e7403367883c13fdf73b55d77/cookbooks/wpcli/recipes/default.rb:12:in `block in from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:31+00:00] WARN: Current package[make]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/build-essential/recipes/rhel.rb:38:in `block in from_file' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[make] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[m4] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: mysql::client ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[mysql] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[mysql-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: mysql::ruby ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * chef_gem[mysql] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:32+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for package[subversion] from prior resource (CHEF-3694) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:32+00:00] WARN: Previous package[subversion]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/18e6968e7403367883c13fdf73b55d77/cookbooks/wpcli/recipes/default.rb:12:in `block in from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:32+00:00] WARN: Current package[subversion]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/18e6968e7403367883c13fdf73b55d77/cookbooks/vccw/recipes/default.rb:9:in `block in from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:32+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for package[sqlite-devel] from prior resource (CHEF-3694) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:32+00:00] WARN: Previous package[sqlite-devel]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/18e6968e7403367883c13fdf73b55d77/cookbooks/wpcli/recipes/default.rb:12:in `block in from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:32+00:00] WARN: Current package[sqlite-devel]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/18e6968e7403367883c13fdf73b55d77/cookbooks/vccw/recipes/default.rb:9:in `block in from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:32+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for package[git] from prior resource (CHEF-3694) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:32+00:00] WARN: Previous package[git]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/18e6968e7403367883c13fdf73b55d77/cookbooks/wpcli/recipes/default.rb:12:in `block in from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:32+00:00] WARN: Current package[git]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/ruby_build/recipes/default.rb:38:in `block in from_file' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: Converging 229 resources ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: yum::epel ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * yum_key[RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-6] action add ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * yum_repository[epel] action add ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: yum::remi ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * yum_key[RPM-GPG-KEY-remi] action add ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * yum_repository[remi] action create ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:32+00:00] INFO: Adding and updating remi repository in /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:32+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for yum_key[RPM-GPG-KEY-remi] from prior resource (CHEF-3694) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:32+00:00] WARN: Previous yum_key[RPM-GPG-KEY-remi]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/yum/recipes/remi.rb:22:in `from_file' ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:32+00:00] WARN: Current yum_key[RPM-GPG-KEY-remi]: /tmp/vagrant-chef/7bee6ef30750c795d6eb818e8489787f/cookbooks/yum/providers/repository.rb:85:in `repo_config' ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * yum_key[RPM-GPG-KEY-remi] action add ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[yum-makecache] action nothing ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to action :nothing) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * ruby_block[reload-internal-yum-cache] action nothing ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to action :nothing) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo] action create ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:32+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo] backed up to /var/chef/backup/etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo.chef-20151202054632.579355 ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:32+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo] updated file contents /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - update content in file /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo from e36af5 to 3c13d5 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: --- /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo 2015-08-24 15:18:00.479633575 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: +++ /tmp/chef-rendered-template20151202-28885-10rlwnr 2015-12-02 05:46:32.577435207 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: -# Generated by Chef for wordpress.local ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: +# Generated by Chef for vccw.dev ==> vccw.dev: # Local modifications will be overwritten. ==> vccw.dev: [remi] ==> vccw.dev: name=Les RPM de remi pour Enterprise Linux 6.7 - $basearch ==> vccw.dev: - restore selinux security context ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:46:32+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo] sending run action to execute[yum-makecache] (immediate) ==> vccw.dev: * execute[yum-makecache] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:47:22+00:00] INFO: execute[yum-makecache] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute yum -q makecache ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:47:22+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo] sending create action to ruby_block[reload-internal-yum-cache] (immediate) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * ruby_block[reload-internal-yum-cache] action create ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:47:22+00:00] INFO: ruby_block[reload-internal-yum-cache] called ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute the ruby block reload-internal-yum-cache ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: php::package ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[php] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[php-cli] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[php-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[php-mbstring] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[php-gd] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[php-xml] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[php-mysql] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[php-pecl-xdebug] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/php.ini] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: wpcli::default ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[git] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[git] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[subversion] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[subversion] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[zip] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[zip] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:47:27+00:00] INFO: package[zip] installing zip-3.0-1.el6_7.1 from updates repository ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:47:40+00:00] INFO: package[zip] upgraded from 3.0-1.el6 to 3.0-1.el6_7.1 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - upgrade package zip from 3.0-1.el6 to 3.0-1.el6_7.1 ==> vccw.dev: * package[unzip] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[unzip] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[kernel-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[kernel-devel] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:47:41+00:00] INFO: package[kernel-devel] installing kernel-devel-2.6.32-573.8.1.el6 from updates repository ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:48:20+00:00] INFO: package[kernel-devel] upgraded from 2.6.32-573.3.1.el6 to 2.6.32-573.8.1.el6 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - upgrade package kernel-devel from 2.6.32-573.3.1.el6 to 2.6.32-573.8.1.el6 ==> vccw.dev: * package[gcc] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[gcc] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[perl] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[perl] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:48:21+00:00] INFO: package[perl] installing perl-5.10.1-141.el6_7.1 from updates repository ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:48:37+00:00] INFO: package[perl] upgraded from 5.10.1-141.el6 to 5.10.1-141.el6_7.1 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - upgrade package perl from 5.10.1-141.el6 to 5.10.1-141.el6_7.1 ==> vccw.dev: * package[make] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[make] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[jq] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[jq] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[httpd-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[httpd-devel] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:48:37+00:00] INFO: package[httpd-devel] installing httpd-devel-2.2.15-47.el6.centos from updates repository ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:48:47+00:00] INFO: package[httpd-devel] upgraded from 2.2.15-45.el6.centos to 2.2.15-47.el6.centos ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - upgrade package httpd-devel from 2.2.15-45.el6.centos to 2.2.15-47.el6.centos ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[libxml2-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[libxml2-devel] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[libcurl-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[libcurl-devel] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[libjpeg-turbo-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[libjpeg-turbo-devel] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[libpng-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[libpng-devel] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[giflib-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[giflib-devel] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[gd-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[gd-devel] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[libmcrypt-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[libmcrypt-devel] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[sqlite-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[sqlite-devel] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[libtidy-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[libtidy-devel] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[libxslt-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[libxslt-devel] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * git[/usr/share/wp-cli] action sync ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - set up remote tracking branches for https://github.com/wp-cli/builds.git at origin ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - fetch updates for origin[2015-12-02T05:48:58+00:00] INFO: git[/usr/share/wp-cli] updated to revision 21aafec6b7cfdce5c23bbeb105f59af95a53501b ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/usr/share/wp-cli/phar/wp-cli.phar] action create ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:48:58+00:00] INFO: file[/usr/share/wp-cli/phar/wp-cli.phar] mode changed to 755 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - change mode from '0644' to '0755' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - restore selinux security context ==> vccw.dev: * link[/usr/local/bin/wp] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/home/vagrant/.wp-cli] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/home/vagrant/.wp-cli/commands] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/home/vagrant/.wp-cli/config.yml] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * git[/home/vagrant/.wp-cli/commands/dictator] action sync ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::default ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[apache2] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * service[apache2] action enable ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/var/log/httpd] action create[2015-12-02T05:49:00+00:00] INFO: directory[/var/log/httpd] mode changed to 755 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - change mode from '0700' to '0755' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - restore selinux security context ==> vccw.dev: * package[perl] action install (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: * cookbook_file[/usr/local/bin/apache2_module_conf_generate.pl] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/etc/httpd/sites-available] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/etc/httpd/sites-enabled] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/etc/httpd/mods-available] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/etc/httpd/mods-enabled] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[generate-module-list] action nothing ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to action :nothing) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/usr/sbin/a2ensite] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/usr/sbin/a2dissite] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/usr/sbin/a2enmod] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/usr/sbin/a2dismod] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/conf.d/proxy_ajp.conf] action delete ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/conf.d/auth_pam.conf] action delete ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/conf.d/authz_ldap.conf] action delete ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/conf.d/webalizer.conf] action delete ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf] action delete ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:01+00:00] INFO: file[/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf] deleted file at /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - delete file /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf] action delete ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:01+00:00] INFO: file[/etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf] deleted file at /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - delete file /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/conf.d/README] action delete ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:01+00:00] INFO: file[/etc/httpd/conf.d/README] deleted file at /etc/httpd/conf.d/README ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - delete file /etc/httpd/conf.d/README ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_deflate ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/httpd/mods-available/deflate.conf] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/deflate.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod deflate] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::default ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/etc/httpd/ssl] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/etc/httpd/conf.d] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/var/cache/httpd] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/sysconfig/httpd] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[apache2.conf] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[apache2-conf-security] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[apache2-conf-charset] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/httpd/ports.conf] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/httpd/sites-available/default] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_status ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/httpd/mods-available/status.conf] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/status.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod status] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_alias ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/httpd/mods-available/alias.conf] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/alias.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod alias] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_auth_basic ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/auth_basic.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod auth_basic] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_authn_file ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/authn_file.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod authn_file] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_authz_default ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/authz_default.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod authz_default] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_authz_groupfile ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/authz_groupfile.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod authz_groupfile] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_authz_host ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/authz_host.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod authz_host] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_authz_user ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/authz_user.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod authz_user] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_autoindex ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/httpd/mods-available/autoindex.conf] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/autoindex.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod autoindex] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_dir ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/httpd/mods-available/dir.conf] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/dir.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod dir] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_env ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/env.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod env] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_mime ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/httpd/mods-available/mime.conf] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/mime.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod mime] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_negotiation ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/httpd/mods-available/negotiation.conf] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/negotiation.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod negotiation] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_setenvif ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/httpd/mods-available/setenvif.conf] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/setenvif.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod setenvif] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_log_config ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/log_config.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod log_config] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_logio ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/logio.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod logio] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::default ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2dissite default] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to only_if) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * service[apache2] action start ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:02+00:00] INFO: service[apache2] started ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - start service service[apache2] ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_php5 ==> vccw.dev: * package[which] action install (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: * package[php package] action install ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf] action delete (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/httpd/mods-available/php5.conf] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/php5.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod php5] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_ssl ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[mod_ssl] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf] action delete ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/httpd/ports.conf] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/httpd/mods-available/ssl.conf] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/ssl.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod ssl] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: mysql::client ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[mysql] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[mysql-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: mysql::server ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[mysql-server] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/var/run/mysqld] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/var/log/mysql] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/etc] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/etc/mysql/conf.d] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/var/lib/mysql] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/var/lib/mysql] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[mysql-install-db] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * service[mysql] action enable ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[assign-root-password] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to only_if) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/mysql_grants.sql] action create ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:03+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/mysql_grants.sql] backed up to /var/chef/backup/etc/mysql_grants.sql.chef-20151202054903.148979 ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:03+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/mysql_grants.sql] updated file contents /etc/mysql_grants.sql ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - update content in file /etc/mysql_grants.sql from 631609 to c9c21d ==> vccw.dev: --- /etc/mysql_grants.sql 2014-10-14 11:56:04.061137326 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: +++ /tmp/chef-rendered-template20151202-28885-1muuia0 2015-12-02 05:49:03.144681095 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ ==> vccw.dev: -# Generated by Chef for wordpress. ==> vccw.dev: +# Generated by Chef for vccw. ==> vccw.dev: # Local modifications will be overwritten. ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: # Grant replication for a slave user. ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - restore selinux security context ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:03+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/mysql_grants.sql] sending run action to execute[mysql-install-privileges] (immediate) ==> vccw.dev: * execute[mysql-install-privileges] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:03+00:00] INFO: execute[mysql-install-privileges] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute "/usr/bin/mysql" -u root -p'wordpress' < "/etc/mysql_grants.sql" ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[mysql-install-privileges] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/my.cnf] action create ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:03+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/my.cnf] backed up to /var/chef/backup/etc/my.cnf.chef-20151202054903.645446 ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:03+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/my.cnf] updated file contents /etc/my.cnf ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - update content in file /etc/my.cnf from 6394ef to 16b47c ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: --- /etc/my.cnf 2014-10-14 11:56:04.256234827 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: +++ /tmp/chef-rendered-template20151202-28885-wm8pw4 2015-12-02 05:49:03.637927594 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: # ==> vccw.dev: -# Generated by Chef for wordpress ==> vccw.dev: +# Generated by Chef for vccw ==> vccw.dev: # ==> vccw.dev: # Local modifications will be overwritten. ==> vccw.dev: # ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - restore selinux security context ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:03+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/my.cnf] sending restart action to service[mysql] (immediate) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * service[mysql] action restart ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:07+00:00] INFO: service[mysql] restarted ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - restart service service[mysql] ==> vccw.dev: * service[mysql] action start ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: build-essential::rhel ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[autoconf] action nothing ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to action :nothing) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[bison] action nothing ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to action :nothing) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[flex] action nothing ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to action :nothing) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[gcc] action nothing ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to action :nothing) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[gcc-c++] action nothing ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to action :nothing) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[kernel-devel] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) ==> vccw.dev: * package[make] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) ==> vccw.dev: * package[m4] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: mysql::ruby ==> vccw.dev: * chef_gem[mysql] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: wpcli::install ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * service[iptables] action disable ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * service[iptables] action stop ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[mysql-install-wp-privileges] action nothing ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to action :nothing) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/wp-grants.sql] action create ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:07+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/wp-grants.sql] backed up to /var/chef/backup/etc/wp-grants.sql.chef-20151202054907.682725 ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:07+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/wp-grants.sql] updated file contents /etc/wp-grants.sql ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - update content in file /etc/wp-grants.sql from eda740 to ef524e ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: --- /etc/wp-grants.sql 2014-10-14 11:57:12.045112295 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: +++ /tmp/chef-rendered-template20151202-28885-14mzmx6 2015-12-02 05:49:07.680948091 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: GRANT ALL ON wordpress.* TO 'wordpress'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'wordpress'; ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: -GRANT ALL ON wordpress.* TO 'wordpress'@'wordpress.local' IDENTIFIED BY 'wordpress'; ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: +GRANT ALL ON wordpress.* TO 'wordpress'@'vccw.dev' IDENTIFIED BY 'wordpress'; ==> vccw.dev: GRANT ALL ON wordpress.* TO 'wordpress'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'wordpress'; ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: FLUSH PRIVILEGES; ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - restore selinux security context ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:07+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/wp-grants.sql] sending run action to execute[mysql-install-wp-privileges] (immediate) ==> vccw.dev: * execute[mysql-install-wp-privileges] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:07+00:00] INFO: execute[mysql-install-wp-privileges] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute /usr/bin/mysql -u root -p"wordpress" < /etc/wp-grants.sql ==> vccw.dev: * execute[create wordpress database] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/var/www/wordpress/] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * bash[wordpress-core-download] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:35+00:00] INFO: bash[wordpress-core-download] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20151202-28885-yu1gnd" ==> vccw.dev: * file[/var/www/wordpress/wp-config.php] action delete ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * bash[wordpress-core-config] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:36+00:00] INFO: bash[wordpress-core-config] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20151202-28885-1q2g4qs" ==> vccw.dev: * bash[wordpress-db-reset] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:36+00:00] INFO: bash[wordpress-db-reset] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20151202-28885-6igbcg" ==> vccw.dev: * bash[wordpress-core-install] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:38+00:00] INFO: bash[wordpress-core-install] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20151202-28885-14x89xa" ==> vccw.dev: * bash[WordPress dynamic-hostname install] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:43+00:00] INFO: bash[WordPress dynamic-hostname install] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20151202-28885-3a2fyq" ==> vccw.dev: * bash[WordPress wp-total-hacks install] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:51+00:00] INFO: bash[WordPress wp-total-hacks install] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20151202-28885-vphxlu" ==> vccw.dev: * bash[WordPress tinymce-templates install] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:56+00:00] INFO: bash[WordPress tinymce-templates install] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20151202-28885-11cm7jv" ==> vccw.dev: * bash[Setting up WordPress option blogdescription] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:57+00:00] INFO: bash[Setting up WordPress option blogdescription] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20151202-28885-bt40vi" ==> vccw.dev: * bash[Setting up rewrite rules] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:58+00:00] INFO: bash[Setting up rewrite rules] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20151202-28885-19yhjm6" ==> vccw.dev: * bash[Flush rewrite rules] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:59+00:00] INFO: bash[Flush rewrite rules] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20151202-28885-1gj4v0y" ==> vccw.dev: * template[/var/www/wordpress/.gitignore] action create_if_missing ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:59+00:00] INFO: template[/var/www/wordpress/.gitignore] created file /var/www/wordpress/.gitignore ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - create new file /var/www/wordpress/.gitignore ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:59+00:00] INFO: template[/var/www/wordpress/.gitignore] updated file contents /var/www/wordpress/.gitignore ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - update content in file /var/www/wordpress/.gitignore from none to 93f664 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: --- /var/www/wordpress/.gitignore 2015-12-02 05:50:01.102909100 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: +++ /tmp/chef-rendered-template20151202-28885-1nz1cbh 2015-12-02 05:49:59.379784552 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: @@ -1 +1,13 @@ ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: +.htaccess ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: +sitemap.xml ==> vccw.dev: +sitemap.xml.gz ==> vccw.dev: +/wp-config.php ==> vccw.dev: +/wp-content/advanced-cache.php ==> vccw.dev: +/wp-content/backup-db/ ==> vccw.dev: +/wp-content/backups/ ==> vccw.dev: +/wp-content/blogs.dir/ ==> vccw.dev: +/wp-content/cache/ ==> vccw.dev: +/wp-content/upgrade/ ==> vccw.dev: +/wp-content/uploads/ ==> vccw.dev: +/wp-content/wp-cache-config.php ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:59+00:00] INFO: template[/var/www/wordpress/.gitignore] owner changed to 500 ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:59+00:00] INFO: template[/var/www/wordpress/.gitignore] group changed to 500 ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:59+00:00] INFO: template[/var/www/wordpress/.gitignore] mode changed to 644 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - change mode from '' to '0644' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - change owner from '' to 'vagrant' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - change group from '' to 'vagrant' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - restore selinux security context ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2dissite 000-default] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to only_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_rewrite ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/rewrite.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod rewrite] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::mod_headers ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * file[/etc/httpd/mods-available/headers.load] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2enmod headers] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: wpcli::install ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/httpd/sites-available/wordpress.conf] action create ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:59+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/httpd/sites-available/wordpress.conf] created file /etc/httpd/sites-available/wordpress.conf ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - create new file /etc/httpd/sites-available/wordpress.conf ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:59+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/httpd/sites-available/wordpress.conf] updated file contents /etc/httpd/sites-available/wordpress.conf ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - update content in file /etc/httpd/sites-available/wordpress.conf from none to 04adab ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: --- /etc/httpd/sites-available/wordpress.conf 2015-12-02 05:49:59.615902553 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: +++ /tmp/chef-rendered-template20151202-28885-1yrzm6p 2015-12-02 05:49:59.650920051 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: @@ -1 +1,64 @@ ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: +<VirtualHost *:80> ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: + ServerName vccw.dev ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: + DocumentRoot /var/www/wordpress ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + EnableSendfile off ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + <Directory /var/www/wordpress> ==> vccw.dev: + Options FollowSymLinks ==> vccw.dev: + AllowOverride FileInfo Options Limit ==> vccw.dev: + Order allow,deny ==> vccw.dev: + Allow from all ==> vccw.dev: + </Directory> ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + <Directory /> ==> vccw.dev: + Options FollowSymLinks ==> vccw.dev: + AllowOverride None ==> vccw.dev: + </Directory> ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + LogLevel info ==> vccw.dev: + ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/wordpress-error.log ==> vccw.dev: + CustomLog /var/log/httpd/wordpress-access.log combined ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + RewriteEngine On ==> vccw.dev: + RewriteLog /var/log/httpd/wordpress-rewrite.log ==> vccw.dev: + RewriteLogLevel 0 ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: +</VirtualHost> ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: +<IfModule mod_ssl.c> ==> vccw.dev: +<VirtualHost *:443> ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + ServerName vccw.dev ==> vccw.dev: + DocumentRoot /var/www/wordpress ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + <Directory /var/www/wordpress> ==> vccw.dev: + Options FollowSymLinks ==> vccw.dev: + AllowOverride FileInfo Options Limit ==> vccw.dev: + Order allow,deny ==> vccw.dev: + Allow from all ==> vccw.dev: + </Directory> ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + <Directory /> ==> vccw.dev: + Options FollowSymLinks ==> vccw.dev: + AllowOverride None ==> vccw.dev: + </Directory> ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + LogLevel info ==> vccw.dev: + ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/wordpress-error.log ==> vccw.dev: + CustomLog /var/log/httpd/wordpress-access.log combined ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + RewriteEngine On ==> vccw.dev: + RewriteLog /var/log/httpd/wordpress-rewrite.log ==> vccw.dev: + RewriteLogLevel 0 ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + SSLEngine On ==> vccw.dev: + SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/ssl/server.crt ==> vccw.dev: + SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/ssl/server.key ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: +</VirtualHost> ==> vccw.dev: +</IfModule> ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:59+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/httpd/sites-available/wordpress.conf] owner changed to 0 ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:59+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/httpd/sites-available/wordpress.conf] group changed to 0 ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:59+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/httpd/sites-available/wordpress.conf] mode changed to 644 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - change mode from '' to '0644' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - change owner from '' to 'root' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - change group from '' to 'root' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - restore selinux security context ==> vccw.dev: * execute[a2ensite wordpress.conf] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:49:59+00:00] INFO: execute[a2ensite wordpress.conf] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute /usr/sbin/a2ensite wordpress.conf ==> vccw.dev: * bash[create-ssl-keys] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:50:00+00:00] INFO: bash[create-ssl-keys] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20151202-28885-18mn661" ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:50:00+00:00] INFO: bash[create-ssl-keys] not queuing delayed action restart on service[apache2] (delayed), as it's already been queued ==> vccw.dev: * template[/var/www/wordpress/.editorconfig] action create_if_missing ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:50:00+00:00] INFO: template[/var/www/wordpress/.editorconfig] created file /var/www/wordpress/.editorconfig ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - create new file /var/www/wordpress/.editorconfig ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:50:00+00:00] INFO: template[/var/www/wordpress/.editorconfig] updated file contents /var/www/wordpress/.editorconfig ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - update content in file /var/www/wordpress/.editorconfig from none to 6c16b6 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: --- /var/www/wordpress/.editorconfig 2015-12-02 05:50:02.218050700 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: +++ /tmp/chef-rendered-template20151202-28885-109qa6q 2015-12-02 05:50:00.497343050 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: @@ -1 +1,22 @@ ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: +# This file is for unifying the coding style for different editors and IDEs ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: +# editorconfig.org ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: +# WordPress Coding Standards ==> vccw.dev: +# https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/coding-standards/ ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: +root = true ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: +[*] ==> vccw.dev: +charset = utf-8 ==> vccw.dev: +end_of_line = lf ==> vccw.dev: +insert_final_newline = true ==> vccw.dev: +trim_trailing_whitespace = true ==> vccw.dev: +indent_style = tab ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: +[{.jshintrc,*.json,*.yml}] ==> vccw.dev: +indent_style = space ==> vccw.dev: +indent_size = 2 ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: +[{*.txt,wp-config-sample.php}] ==> vccw.dev: +end_of_line = crlf ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:50:00+00:00] INFO: template[/var/www/wordpress/.editorconfig] owner changed to 500 ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:50:00+00:00] INFO: template[/var/www/wordpress/.editorconfig] group changed to 500 ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:50:00+00:00] INFO: template[/var/www/wordpress/.editorconfig] mode changed to 644 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - change mode from '' to '0644' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - change owner from '' to 'vagrant' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - change group from '' to 'vagrant' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - restore selinux security context ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: vccw::default ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[gettext] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[gettext] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[subversion] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[subversion] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[npm] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[npm] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[lftp] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[lftp] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[sshpass] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[sshpass] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[sqlite-devel] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[sqlite-devel] action upgrade ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: ruby_build::default ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[tar] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[bash] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[curl] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[git] action install ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: * execute[Install ruby-build] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/var/chef/cache] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * git[/var/chef/cache/ruby-build] action checkout ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: rbenv::system_install ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[installing rbenv dependency: git] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * package[installing rbenv dependency: grep] action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/etc/profile.d] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh] action create ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:50:02+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh] backed up to /var/chef/backup/etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh.chef-20151202055002.756667 ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:50:02+00:00] INFO: template[/etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh] updated file contents /etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - update content in file /etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh from 56924d to 33fb8d ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: --- /etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh 2014-10-14 11:57:52.924541774 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: +++ /tmp/chef-rendered-template20151202-28885-1t37qfk 2015-12-02 05:50:02.754471053 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: -# Generated by Chef for wordpress.local ==> vccw.dev: +# Generated by Chef for vccw.dev ==> vccw.dev: # Local modifications will be overridden ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: # prefer a user rbenv over a system wide install ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - restore selinux security context ==> vccw.dev: * git[/usr/local/rbenv] action checkout ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * bash[Initialize rbenv (system)] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:50:04+00:00] INFO: bash[Initialize rbenv (system)] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20151202-28885-1mn11xg" ==> vccw.dev: * log[rbenv-post-init-system] action write[2015-12-02T05:50:04+00:00] INFO: rbenv-post-init-system ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * ruby_block[Add rbenv to PATH] action run[2015-12-02T05:50:04+00:00] INFO: ruby_block[Add rbenv to PATH] called ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute the ruby block Add rbenv to PATH ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: rbenv::system ==> vccw.dev: * rbenv_ruby[2.1.2] (system) action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * rbenv_global[2.1.2] (system) action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * rbenv_gem[2.1.2::bundler] (system) action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * rbenv_gem[2.1.2::sass] (system) action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * rbenv_gem[2.1.2::wordmove] (system) action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * rbenv_gem[2.1.2::mailcatcher] (system) action install ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: vccw::default ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * subversion[Checkout WordPress i18n tools.] action sync ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:50:17+00:00] INFO: subversion[Checkout WordPress i18n tools.] updated to revision: 30656 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - sync /usr/local/share/wp-i18n from http://i18n.svn.wordpress.org/tools/trunk/ ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[echo 'alias makepot.php="/usr/bin/php /usr/local/share/wp-i18n/makepot.php"' >> /home/vagrant/.bash_profile] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[npm install -g grunt-init grunt-cli gulp] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:50:40+00:00] INFO: execute[npm install -g grunt-init grunt-cli gulp] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute npm install -g grunt-init grunt-cli gulp ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/home/vagrant/.grunt-init] action create (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: * git[/home/vagrant/.grunt-init/hatamoto] action sync ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * git[/home/vagrant/.grunt-init/iemoto] action sync ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - set up remote tracking branches for https://github.com/megumiteam/iemoto.git at origin ==> vccw.dev: - fetch updates for origin[2015-12-02T05:50:47+00:00] INFO: git[/home/vagrant/.grunt-init/iemoto] updated to revision 2e03215ee5b9d582b70b9768ea879ddc6d4d8009 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/home/vagrant/.grunt-init/defaults.json] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/usr/local/share/phpunit] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * remote_file[/usr/local/share/phpunit/phpunit.phar] action create_if_missing ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * link[/usr/local/bin/phpunit] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[wp-test-install] action nothing ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to action :nothing) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/usr/bin/wp-test-install] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/tmp/wordpress/wp-content/uploads] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/usr/local/share/composer] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:51:16+00:00] INFO: execute[curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php ==> vccw.dev: * link[/usr/local/bin/composer] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/home/vagrant/.composer] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[phpcs-install] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:51:56+00:00] INFO: execute[phpcs-install] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute /usr/local/bin/composer global require squizlabs/php_codesniffer\=\* ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * directory[/usr/local/share/wpcs] action create (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: * git[/usr/local/share/wpcs] action sync ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - set up remote tracking branches for https://github.com/WordPress-Coding-Standards/WordPress-Coding-Standards.git at origin ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - fetch updates for origin ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:52:02+00:00] INFO: git[/usr/local/share/wpcs] updated to revision b3d4d8eedd8b0b7f4fdf8764df1c8b23ff099334 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[echo 'export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH' >> /home/vagrant/.bash_profile] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[phpcs-set-config] action run ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:52:02+00:00] INFO: execute[phpcs-set-config] ran successfully ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - execute /home/vagrant/.composer/vendor/bin/phpcs --config-set installed_paths /usr/local/share/wpcs ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * execute[phpcs-add-alias] action run ==> vccw.dev: (skipped due to not_if) ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/vagrant/Movefile] action create_if_missing ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:52:02+00:00] INFO: template[/vagrant/Movefile] created file /vagrant/Movefile ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - create new file /vagrant/Movefile ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:52:02+00:00] INFO: template[/vagrant/Movefile] updated file contents /vagrant/Movefile ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - update content in file /vagrant/Movefile from none to 19a71d ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: --- /vagrant/Movefile 2015-12-02 05:52:03.883500200 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: +++ /tmp/chef-rendered-template20151202-28885-tzk2oz 2015-12-02 05:52:02.246186955 +0000 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: @@ -1 +1,60 @@ ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: +local: ==> vccw.dev: + vhost: "http://vccw.dev" ==> vccw.dev: + wordpress_path: "/var/www/wordpress" ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + database: ==> vccw.dev: + name: "wordpress" ==> vccw.dev: + user: "wordpress" ==> vccw.dev: + password: "wordpress" ==> vccw.dev: + host: "localhost" ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: +staging: ==> vccw.dev: + vhost: "http://example.com" ==> vccw.dev: + wordpress_path: "/var/www/your_site" # use an absolute path here ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + database: ==> vccw.dev: + name: "database_name" ==> vccw.dev: + user: "user" ==> vccw.dev: + password: "password" ==> vccw.dev: + host: "localhost" ==> vccw.dev: + charset: "utf8" ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + exclude: ==> vccw.dev: + - ".git/" ==> vccw.dev: + - ".gitignore" ==> vccw.dev: + - ".sass-cache/" ==> vccw.dev: + - "bin/" ==> vccw.dev: + - "tmp/*" ==> vccw.dev: + - "Gemfile*" ==> vccw.dev: + - "Movefile" ==> vccw.dev: + - "wp-config.php" ==> vccw.dev: + - "wp-content/*.sql" ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + # paths: # you can customize wordpress internal paths ==> vccw.dev: + # wp_content: "wp-content" ==> vccw.dev: + # uploads: "wp-content/uploads" ==> vccw.dev: + # plugins: "wp-content/plugins" ==> vccw.dev: + # themes: "wp-content/themes" ==> vccw.dev: + # languages: "wp-content/languages" ==> vccw.dev: + # themes: "wp-content/themes" ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + # ssh: ==> vccw.dev: + # host: "host" ==> vccw.dev: + # user: "user" ==> vccw.dev: + # password: "password" # password is optional, will use public keys if available. ==> vccw.dev: + # port: 22 # Port is optional ==> vccw.dev: + # rsync_options: "--verbose" # Additional rsync options, optional ==> vccw.dev: + # gateway: # Gateway is optional ==> vccw.dev: + # host: "host" ==> vccw.dev: + # user: "user" ==> vccw.dev: + # password: "password" # password is optional, will use public keys if available. ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: + # ftp: ==> vccw.dev: + # user: "user" ==> vccw.dev: + # password: "password" ==> vccw.dev: + # host: "host" ==> vccw.dev: + # passive: true ==> vccw.dev: + ==> vccw.dev: +# production: # multiple environments can be specified ==> vccw.dev: +# [...] ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:52:02+00:00] INFO: template[/vagrant/Movefile] owner changed to 500 ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:52:02+00:00] INFO: template[/vagrant/Movefile] group changed to 500 ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:52:02+00:00] INFO: template[/vagrant/Movefile] mode changed to 600 ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - change mode from '' to '0600' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - change owner from '' to 'vagrant' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - change group from '' to 'vagrant' ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - restore selinux security context ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * template[/etc/motd] action create ==> vccw.dev: (up to date) ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:52:02+00:00] INFO: execute[a2ensite wordpress.conf] sending restart action to service[apache2] (delayed) ==> vccw.dev: Recipe: apache2::default ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: * service[apache2] action restart ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:52:03+00:00] INFO: service[apache2] restarted ==> vccw.dev: ==> vccw.dev: - restart service service[apache2] ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:52:03+00:00] INFO: Chef Run complete in 368.550228931 seconds ==> vccw.dev: Running handlers: ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:52:03+00:00] INFO: Running report handlers ==> vccw.dev: Running handlers complete ==> vccw.dev: [2015-12-02T05:52:03+00:00] INFO: Report handlers complete ==> vccw.dev: Chef Client finished, 48/231 resources updated in 371.865263678 seconds
理解するには Linux やサーバーだけでなく、chef 等も学ぶ必要がありそうです
これで、ブラウザから vccw.dev へアクセスするとようやく WordPress の画面が見れるようになりました
ちょっとググッて沢山の情報に振り回され、エラーの対処療法を行ってもうまくいかないことが多いということ。スタート時点に戻って一歩一歩手順を踏んでやるのが結局は一番早いということです (^^)
今回は、基本をおろそかにして勝手にいらぬ苦労をした体験を紹介しました。何の為にもならない話でしょうが、もし VAIO を使っていて何かうまくいかないんだけどという、ごくごく少数の方がいましたら BIOS の VT が有効になっているか確認することをお勧めします